Monday, April 14, 2008

Questions and Answers

Questioning - April 5, 2008 - Tucson, AZ

Many people live their lives never questioning gender. Some people question everything and anything, including gender and the "gender constructs" in society. Some people live confidently in the bodies in which they are born never feeling a disconnect, some people feel their internal gender doesn't match their sexual organs they were born with, and some wonder if there isn't another answer. I can't possibly cover all the questions and answers by myself, so I will leave you with a few more pictures:

I Don't Like Your Labels - April 05, 2008 - Tucson, AZ

Just Me - April 05, 2008 - Tucson, AZ

Beyond the Binary - April 05, 2008 - Tucson, AZ

Trans Queer Wonder - April 05, 2008 - Tucson, AZ

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