Monday, October 27, 2008

The Beauty of Women

Women come in many shapes, colors, attitudes, and types. You never know what you're going to get, but today I'd like to celebrate the beauty of women by sharing some of the diverse women who have joined our gender diverse little community here at Gender DiverCity.

BOI - Phoenix, AZ - December 17, 2007

I am Woman - Tucson, AZ - April 05, 2008

Is This Me? - Phoenix, AZ - January, 2008

Gender DiverCity is an attempt to look at the diverse humanity in our world through the lens of gender identity and presentation.

I want to photograph all humans be they red, yellow, black or white, gay, straight, bi or otherwise, square, triangle, or circle, whomever you are.

If you would like to have your photo taken, please read the Frequently Asked Questions. You can find them by clicking on the link on the right hand side of the Gender DiverCity Blog.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Memories with Friends

This month I have spent most of my time in bed or at the doctor's so it has given me a lot of time to think back over the last year and some of my favorite memories. I apologize for the spotty posting here at Gender DiverCity of Late and have set a reminder so that if I do nothing else on Mondays at least I will post here.

This week I have decided to share some of my favorite memories of friends new and old I have worked with for this blog. Some of these may be repeats or similar to photos you've seen of these people, but I want to send my heart felt thanks to each person who has posed for me and shared their words about gender. To quote a dear friend, "GENDER: My Cup Runneth Over!"

I want to photograph all humans be they red, yellow, black or white, gay, straight, bi or otherwise, square, triangle, swirly or circle, whomever you are.

To learn more about how to participate in helping this project represent you or your loved ones, read the FAQ post found in the links on the right of the Gender DiverCity blog ( or send me an email at

Check back each Monday for updates!

Monday, October 6, 2008

We are What We Drink?

What I Am - August 2008 - Phoenix, AZ

SouthWest Blues - August 2008 - Phoenix, AZ

Gender DiverCity is an attempt to look at the diverse humanity in our world through the lens of gender identity, expression, and presentation.

I want to photograph all humans be they red, yellow, black or white, gay, straight, bi or otherwise, square, triangle, swirly or circle, whomever you are.

To learn more about how to participate in helping this project represent you or your loved ones, read the FAQ post found in the links on the right of the Gender DiverCity blog ( or send me an email at

Check back each Monday as Gender DiverCity resumes weekly updates!